• Hongji


Company Culture


To pursue the material and spiritual well-being of all employees and to contribute to the progress and development of human society.


To make Hongji a globally respected, highly profitable enterprise that satisfies customers, makes employees happy, and earns societal respect.



Meeting customer needs and fulfilling their aspirations is the primary duty of the enterprise. The existence of both the enterprise and the individual is to create value, and the object of value creation for the enterprise is the customer. Customers are the lifeblood of the enterprise, and meeting their needs is the essence of business operations. Empathize, think from the customer's perspective, understand their feelings, and strive to meet their needs. 


A team is only a team when hearts are united. Stand together through thick and thin; cooperate, take responsibility; follow commands, act in unison; synchronize and move upwards together. Interact with colleagues like family and friends, do your best for your partners, harbor altruism and empathy, and be compassionate and warm-hearted. 


Sincerity leads to spiritual fulfillment, and keeping promises is paramount. 

Honesty, sincerity, frankness, and wholeheartedness.

Be fundamentally honest and genuinely treat people and matters. Be open and straightforward in actions, and maintain a pure and beautiful heart.

Trust, credibility, promises.

Do not make promises lightly, but once a promise is made, it must be fulfilled. Keep promises in mind, strive to achieve them, and ensure mission accomplishment.


Be enthusiastic, passionate, and motivated; positive, optimistic, sunny, and confident; do not complain or grumble; be full of hope and dreams, and exude positive energy and vitality. Approach each day’s work and life with a fresh mindset. As the saying goes, "Wealth lies in the spirit," a person’s vitality reflects their inner world. A positive attitude influences the surrounding environment, which in turn positively affects oneself, creating a feedback loop that spirals upward. 


Reverence and love for work are the basic premises for achieving great accomplishments. Dedication revolves around the "customer-centric" concept, aiming for "professionalism and efficiency," and striving for higher quality service as a goal in daily practice. Work is the main theme of life, making life more meaningful and leisure more precious. Fulfillment and a sense of achievement come from work, while the improvement of life quality also requires the benefits brought by outstanding work as a guarantee. 

Embrace Change:

Dare to challenge high goals and be willing to challenge high goals. Continuously engage in creative work and constantly improve oneself. The only constant in the world is change. When change comes, whether active or passive, embrace it positively, initiate self-reform, continuously learn, innovate, and adjust one’s mindset. With exceptional adaptability, nothing is impossible.

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